

Amacron Equine stocks a specialist range of muscle supplements for horses, formulated to assist horses with muscle growth and recovery,  which in turn leads to greater stamina. 

If a horse’s diet is lacking in any amino acids, its athletic performance may be impacted. A key area in which amino acids are essential is in the repair of damaged muscle, as they can help provide the building blocks necessary for the repair process. Horse muscle supplements are intended to help support muscle development and to improve the horse’s overall appearance – making them the ideal supplement choice in the preparing young sales stock which may have need for muscle. We also have a range of horse muscle supplements which act as muscle builders for horses and promote stamina allowing longer exercise sessions, helping to ensure greater and leaner muscle growth and development in your horse whilst at the same time reducing the build-up of lactic acid.

In horses and humans alike, muscle stamina and strength is built up over a period of time, thanks to a regime of hard work and exercise. But choosing the correct supplementation can help to increase the amount of muscle stamina in your horse, thus allowing for additional exercise to be carried out, resulting in quicker muscle building results.

When should muscle supplements for horses be used? During periods of intense training and competition, when bringing horses into training, when a horse is struggling to maintain condition or top line; for example, a brood mare needing additional protein or a young horse which may have been weak at birth and which needs some additional condition.

Simply choose a muscle supplement that is right for your horse and place an order with us today.

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Maxi-Top Equine Pellets 1.5Kg
Plusvital Ty-Relief 5L
Equinade Oil Liniment 500ml
Lactic Eze 30ml Tube

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